
About Me

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Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
As a visionary person, I can realize what will happen next. Answers come from inner soul during meditation. I believe that I am a time traveler. Sometimes, I am a son, a brother, a friend, a student, and a loving husband. Text books have shaped my scientific and artistic views, my passion to study history, novel, politics, and philosophy, create me an introspective person. The distress of life made me a retrospective person. The teachings of Vivekananda and Vedanta have figured my wisdom and views. This life is a chapter of an unknown book. However, I believe that the book also has a joyous conclusion. The happy ending of the traveler may be the happy beginning of something that nobody knows. I have a dream; the divine infinite will call me one day to go back to my home. Now I am waiting for that moment. The chapter of the traveler will finish one day but this blog will tell the story of the traveler to the future being.

Dec 19, 2011


বাস্তবতাকে মেনে নেয়া খুব কঠিন,
মানিয়ে নেয়াটা নিজ থেকে চলে আসে,মেনে নিতে হয়
বাস্তবতা প্রকৃতির মত পরিবর্তনশীল,
কখনও সুখের ছোঁয়া আসে,কখনও হয়ে যায় দুঃখময়।।

আকাশ যেরূপ বৃষ্টি হয়ে দুঃখ ছড়ায়,
মনও সেরূপ অশ্রু হয়ে কষ্ট বিলায়।।

অনেক কষ্টের কথা থাকে যা বলা যায়,
অনেক কষ্ট থাকে যা না বললেই ভাল হয়।।

জীবনটা যেন একটা রঙ্গশালা,
সুখ-দুঃখ,আনন্দ-বেদনার মিলনমেলা।।

সবাই অভিনয় করছে নিজ নিজ ভূমিকায়,
দুঃখকে জয় করে একটু সুখ পাওয়ার আশায়।।

সুখ যেন প্রজাপতির মত উড়ে বেড়ায়,
কখনও আমার,কখনও তোমার কাছে যেতে চা্য়।।

দুঃখের রাত সুখের রাতের থেকে বড় হয়,
যেন ঘোর অমাবশ্যা,চারপাশে অন্ধকারময়।।

সুখপাখি দেখা দিয়ে যায় বসন্তের মতন,
তবুও সুখের অপেক্ষায় থাকে এই মন।।

               ---------চৈতী দেবী

Dec 15, 2011

Victory to Bangladesh

16th December - A hard won victory for a new nation !

A day to commemorate 3 million killed people,
A day to go back to history of 10 million dislocated refuge at India,
A day to pay tributes to 400 thousands raped women,
A day to remind enormous sufferings and self sacrifice of my ancestors,
A day to dream !!

The war was for the sake of freedom !

The freedom from oppression,
The freedom to decide it's destiny,
The freedom to preserve it's culture and way of life,
The freedom to live in harmony of a diversified society,
The freedom to dream !

40 years on, where is she heading?

Today is to think what we get,
Today is to remember why did the nation fight,
Today is to measure the progress of the nation,
Today is to be concerned where she is heading,
Today is not to dream, is to take oath to fight against abject poverty!

A song was sung 40 years ago, I recite today again !

I sing the song of equality, in which dissolves all barriers and estrangements
In which are united
The Hindu-Buddhist-Muslim-Christian
I sing the song of equality.
Within you are all the scriptures and knowledge, of all times
Friend, you will find all of them, just open your heart with care.

Victory to Bangladesh
Victory to the people of Bangladesh
Bijoy Bangladesh!!
--Suman Chowdhury

Jul 28, 2011


আমি দেখেছি তাকে আমার স্বপনে,

চকিতে হাসে, চকিতে কাঁদে,

দেখেছি আমি তা নয়ন ভরে।

সে অপলক চেয়ে থাকে মোর পানে,

যেন বিভোর হয়ে যায় ভাবের বশে,

তার দৃষ্টি মোর অন্তরে গিয়ে পশে।

হঠাৎ করে স্বপন মোর গেল ভেঙ্গে,

বুঝলাম সারারাত ছিলাম আমি স্বপন মোহে,

বাহিরে তখন প্রভাত পাখি উঠল ডেকে।

সারাদিন ধরি, স্বপন নিয়ে ভেবে মরি,

স্বপনে এসেছিল সে দ্বিধাভরে,

কিছু বুঝি দেবার তরে, নাকি চাইবার তরে!

পরের রাতে তাকে দেখলাম আবার স্বপনে,

এবার সে নেচে বেড়ালো খেলার ছলে,

বাসন্তী রঙের জামা ছিল তার পরনে।

অনেক কথা কইল গানের সুরে সুরে,

নেচে গেয়ে ক্লান্ত হয়ে বসল আমার পাশে,

"মা হবে তুমি আমার" বলে গেল অবশেষে।

---- Chaitee Debi

Jun 4, 2011

Amar 'Moner Manush' - Fakir Lalon Shah

The movie 'Moner Manush' is completely  successful movie and earned fame from intellectual society after release. Though the story was little bit distorted but for complete entertainment and for the beginner for knowing about Fakir Lalon, I think the directors nicely presented the movie..

Very important events in the movie which transgress the movie are presented in this video. From this movie, we came to know that then prominent tagore family and their literary works were highly influenced by Fakir Lalon Shah.

The movie not only represent the autobiography of Lalon but also represent his strong voice against then superstitious and hapless society.

The movie also decorated with high spiritual dialogues that might be understandable to ordinary human beings.

Chonchol Chowdhury and Paoli Dam makes the movie very entertaining to the audience.

The movie was also constructed with few unusual songs of Fakir lalon. Below two clips all the unusual songs of Lalon in the movie.

Paoli dam was awesome in her extraordinary performance in the movie. Just enjoy these two videos and u will get to know -

The movie also attracts the soul of real spiritual persons -

All the above, the movie could successfully carry the message of humanism -

In last, the movie is ended with lalon's most favorite song - Milon hobe koto dine? when will I conjugate with my lord.

---------Suman Chowdhury

Mar 11, 2011

Celebration at dressing room of Bangladesh Cricket team

I have uploaded the videos for the disbelievers who don't judge that we can overcome. It's a threat to them. 'We shall overcome, We shall overcome , Oh Lord! Deep in our heart, We do believe, We shall overcome, someday!...'

Dis-believer: Navojit Singh Sidhu who did mocking with Bangladesh team several times. He should concentrate on politics rather than cricket. Remember Sidhu, Once upon a time India was a team like Bangladesh. Luckily that time, neither you nor we born!

Please watch the celebration of the Bangladesh team after victory over England at Cricket world cup 2011 inside their dressing room –

In the following video, we observed few players are not very happy to win over England. Such a victory burst whole nation’s emotion. But one player ‘ Ashar fool’ Ash said …… Okay Ash next time you will observe the victory with us, I mean like us.

Congratulation Bangladesh team! Now we expect more from you.

Courtesy to Mahbubul Alam Robin who brings these videos to the public media. Thank you my friends.

Mar 10, 2011

Step down to Street Beggars

In the last game of Bangladesh, I was promised to my facebook friends just before the game that I am going to arrange a ‘Biriani’ party to celebrate Bangladesh win. As they won last three out of five matches against West Indies. As well as they really uplift our hopes by scoring 283 against India. But what happened? Only these eleven cricketers not only lost the game against WI with scoring lowest but also raped one fifty millions Bangladeshi’s hope and emotions. You know, I feel very ashamed in front of my foreign friends. The next day I virtually send ‘Kutta ka biriani for Sakib and Kawa ka biriani for other cricketers’ with angers. 

Today Bangladesh will play against England. England is one of the top favorites in this world cup. If I ignore one accident against Ireland, they obviously had the potential to defeat any team like Australia, India, and Pakistan etc. So I am not very hopeful for Bangladesh today like last week. What I want, “Fight”? Yes. Use your full potential, My Bangladesh team and make the game very competitive. At least, we can say – ‘we can fight’. Don’t ruin the game like last one. Please, bow down to your feet, Allah Wasteh, don’t repeat the painful night of last week once again. If you do so, you know, what we will do, my guys? We will incise your legs and step down to the street with street beggars. Okay, you guys can’t imagine what we will do. Just look at the picture below –

By the way, if you guys can win against England, then I will send some special gifts for you guys –

Mar 8, 2011

নারী দিবস

আজ নারী দিবস,
নারী জাগরণের বার্তাবহ একটি দিন ।

আমরা নারীরা নিজেদের খুজেঁ পেতে চায় এই দিনে,
আমরা নারী জাগরণের গান গেয়ে উঠি এই দিনে,
দেয়াল পত্রিকায়,সভায় আলোচনা করি এই দিনে,
স্বাধীনতার জন্য প্রতিবাদী হয়ে উঠি এই দিনে ।

হয়ত এই দিনে পৃথিবীর কোন এক জায়গায়,
নারীরা লাঞ্ছিত,অপবাদিত,ধর্ষিত হয় ;
আবার হয়ত পৃথিবীর কোন এক জায়গায়,
এই দিনে নারীরা অনেক কষ্ট সহ্য করে মা হয় ।

কিন্তু আমরা কার কাছে চায় এই প্রার্থনা ?
কার বিরুদ্ধে করি এই সভা ?
কার বিরুদ্ধে লেখি এই দেয়াল পত্রিকা ?
কার কাছে বলি আমাদের এই প্রতিবাদী আওয়াজ ?

সেকি ভগবান ! নাকি পুরুষজাতি !

-----চৈতী দেবী

Mar 1, 2011

নারীর অস্তিত্ত্ব

আমি নারী,
পারি আমি দিদি হতে,
পারি আমি ঘরনী হতে,
পারি আমি বৌদি হতে,
পারি আমি মা হতে ।

আমি নারী,
পারি আমি সবকিছু সহ্য করতে,
হিংসা,নিন্দা,লাঞ্ছনা ; মুখ বুঝে ।

আমি নারী,
যখনি একলা পথ চলতে চাই আমি,
পরিবার আমাকে বলে তুমি অবলা নারী,
পারবে না একলা পথ চলতে,
বাধা বিপথ পথে আসবে ।

আমি নারী,
যখনি আমি হয়ে যাই প্রতিবাদী,
সমাজ আমাকে আঙ্গুল তুলে বলে তুমি নারী,
তোমাকে থাকতে হবে গৃহকোণে,
মন যুগিয়ে চলতে হবে সবাইকে ।

সবাই আমাকে মনে করিয়ে দেয়,
                         আমার অস্তিত্ত্বের কথা ।
কিন্তু কেউ বলে না,
                      আমার অধিকারের কথা ।

                                        -- চৈতী দেবী

Feb 21, 2011

আমি ভালবেসে যাব

যে দরিদ্র ফুটপাতে, পার্কের কিনারায়
       নিষ্প্রভ দিন কাটিয়ে দেয়
     তাকে আমি অবহেলা করি না  ।

যে চর্মকার রাস্তার ধারে
              অজস্র জুতোর ধুলো মুছে
      দীনভাবে সারাদিন কাটিয়ে দেয়
    তাকে আমি অসম্মান করি না  ।

যে বারবণিতা পেটের দায়ে
           পতিতাবৃত্তি করে
     হাজার মা-বোনের সম্ভ্রম বাঁচায়
   তাকে আমি অবজ্ঞা করি না  ।

যে চোর ক্ষুধার জ্বালায়
          চুরি করে আমার মানিব্যাগ
     লাঞ্ছনায় দিন কাটায়
   তাকে আমি ঘৃণা করি না  ।

যে নিরক্ষর সারাদিন মাঠে ফসল ফলায়,
         পাথরের উপর পাথর রেখে
    সারাদিন কাটিয়ে দিল
  আমি তার বুকে বইয়ে দিব ঝরণার ধারা  ।

আমিতো কৃপণ নই  !
        রজনীগন্ধার মতো
           ভালবেসে যাব
      সকলকে ।।

---সুমন চৌধুরী

History and Significance of 21 st February; A lesson from history for all

Bangladesh got better prestige and glory when UNESCO declared 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. It is also making significant strides towards peace, progress and prosperity at home and discharging international obligations abroad. But still, most of the parts of the world are unknown about the occurrence and it’s significances. So I want to notify about then history to the people surround the world through my blog. I have lots of information from different sources to write the article. So please let me very briefly recount the fateful happenings of that day and the circumstances that led to and followed them.

In August 1947, a new state called Pakistan, comprising two far-flung wings in the west and east, separated by 1600 kilometers of foreign territory, emerged on the world map. The ideological basis of that strange phenomenon was the absurd and pernicious two nation theory of Mr. Jinnah that ignored such basic elements as language and culture and considered religion as a bond strong and sufficient enough to transform a people into a nation.

The language of the people of eastern wing of Pakistan, and they were the majority, was Bangla. It had a rich tradition of literature of over a thousand years. The Bengalese also had a highly developed culture that had little in common with the culture of the people of western wing of Pakistan. The Bengalese' love for and attachment to their language and culture were easily understood if we look at their thousand years of history.
At March 21, 1948 , Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan and its first Governor-General, while on a visit to East Bengal, declares in Dhaka University convocation that while the language of the province can be Bengali, the "State language of Pakistan is going to be Urdu and no other language. Anyone who tries to mislead you is really an enemy of Pakistan."

"The remark evoked an angry protest from the Bengali youth who took it as an affront: their language Bangla (Bengali) was, after all, spoken by fifty-four percent of the population of Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, then a university student, was among those who raised the protest slogan and was placed under detention. The Dacca University campus became the focal point for student meetings in support of the Bangla language." (-- Siddiq Salik). Jinnah meets the student representatives of Committee of Action to persuade them of the necessity of having one national language, but the students are not convinced. "The discussion of Jinnah with the student representatives could not bear any fruit but blurred the difference between the student group led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his associates and the student group led by Shah Azizur Rahman. The National leadership resorted to repressive policies in order to crush the Bengali language and put its supporters behind bars." (Source - Md. Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan)

Finally, the Basic Principles Committee of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan announced at January 26, 1952 that Urdu should be the only state language of Pakistan. Later, in a public meeting at Paltan Maidan, Dhaka, Prime Minister Nazimuddin declared that Urdu alone will be the state language of Pakistan. The same day of January 28, 1952, the students of Dhaka University in a protest meeting called the Prime Minister and the Provincial Ministers as stooges of West Pakistan. In January 30, 1952, a secret meeting called by the Awami League, which is attended by a number of communist front as well as other organizations, it is agreed that the language agitation could not be successfully carried by the students alone. To mobilize full political and student supports, it was decided that the leadership of the movement should be assumed by the Awami League under Bhashani. The following day, Bhashani presided over an all-party convention in Dhaka. The convention was attended by prominent leaders like Abul Hashim and Hamidul Haq Choudhury. A broad-based All-Party Committee of Action (APCA) was constituted with Kazi Golam Mahboob as Convener and Maulana Bhashani as Chairman, and with two representatives from the Awami League, Students League, Youth League, Khilafate-Rabbani Party, and the Dhaka University State Language Committee of Action.
At February 3, 1952, Committee of Action held a protest meeting in Dhaka against the move 'to dominate the majority province of East Bengal linguistically and culturally'. The provincial chief of Awami League, Maulana Bhashani addressed the meeting. On the suggestion of Abul Hashim it was decided to hold a general strike on 21 February, when the East Bengal Assembly was due to meet for its budget session. The day before strike at 6 p.m. an order under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code prohibiting processions and meetings in Dhaka City was promulgated. This order generated tension and resentment among the students.

February 21, 1952 a general strike was observed. A meeting was held in the campus of Dhaka University at noon. Students decided to defy the official ban imposed by Nurul Amin's administration and processions were taken out to stage a demonstration in front of the Provincial Assembly. Police started lobbing tear gas shells to the students. Students retaliated by batting bricks. The ensuing riot rushed to the nearby campuses of the Medical and Engineering colleges.

At approximately 4 p.m. -The police opened fire in front of the Medical College hostel. Five persons - Mohammad Salauddin, Abdul Jabbar, Abul Barkat, Rafiquddin Ahmed and Abdus Salam - were killed; the first three are students of Dhaka University. "The news of the killing spreaded like wildfire throughout the city and people rushed in thousands towards the Medical College premises." (-- Talukder Maniruzzaman) Inside the assembly, six opposition members pressed for the adjournment of the House and demanded an inquiry into the incidents. But Chief Minister Nurul Amin urged the House to proceed with the planned agenda for the day. At this point all the opposition members of the Assembly walked out in protest. The following day,
Thousands of men and women thronged the university, Medical College and Engineering College areas to offer prayers for the victims of the police firing. After prayers when they went for a procession, the police opened fire. The police also fired on angry mob that burned the offices of a pro-government newspaper. Four persons were killed. As the situation deteriorated, the government called in the military to bring things under control. Bowing to the pressure, the Chief Minister Nurul Amin moved a motion recommending to the Constituent Assembly that Bengali should be one of the state languages of Pakistan. The motion was passed unanimously.

"For the first time a number of Muslim members voted in favor of the amendments moved by the opposition, which so far had consisted of the Hindu Congress members only. The split in the Muslim League became formalized when some members demanded a separate bloc from the Speaker; the Awami (Muslim) League had attained the status of an opposition parliamentary party." (-- Hasan Zaheer).

"In the face of these repressive measures, the movement lost its momentum in Dhaka. But it spreaded widely throughout the districts ... In addition to demands for recognition of Bengali as one of state languages of Pakistan, students now began to call for the resignation of the 'bloody' Nurul Amin cabinet ... Nurul Amin claimed that the government "had saved the province from disaster and chaos" by its repressive measures. The students, however, argued that they had already "written the success story of the movement on the streets with their blood." In retrospect, whatever the merits of government and student actions, it is clear that the movement did sow the seeds of a secular-linguistic Bengali nationalism in east Bengal. Its immediate impact was to prepare the ground for the complete routing of the Muslim League in the 1954 elections by a United Front of opposition political parties, on a nationalistic planck of cultural, political and economic autonomy for East Bengal." (-- Talukder Maniruzzaman) "The Language Movement added a new dimension to politics in Pakistan. It left deep impression on the minds of the younger generation of Bengalis and imbued them with the spirit of Bengali nationalism. The passion of Bengali nationalism which was aroused by the Language Movement shall kindle in the hearts of the Bengalis forever ... Perhaps very few people realized then that with the bloodshed in 1952 the new-born state of Pakistan had in fact started to bleed to death." (-- Rafiqul Islam)

What were the consequences of language movements? Well, the answers are many. At May 7, 1954 the Pakistan government recognizes Bangla as a state language. Later at Feb 26, 1956 the Constituent Assembly passes the first Constitution of Pakistan recognizing Bangla as a State Language. Above all, that was one of seeds of disintegration sowed by Pakistani for which Bangladesh became an independent nation at March 26, 1971.

At the initiative of the United Nations and its various organs, a number of specific days have been declared over the years as international days for observance by the people of the whole world. All these days highlight some values, events and issues and are intended to generate a healthy awareness in the people of the world about them with the ultimate aim of making this world a better place to live in for the entire human population. Thus we have the international literacy day, international women's day. international children's day, the international day for eradication of racial discrimination, international day for ensuring pure drinking water, international habitat day, international day for preservation of environment and many others.

International Mother Language Day is particularly significant in the sense that it has a cultural importance. From now on, 21st February — so long observed in Bangladesh as the Bangla Language Martyrs' Day — will be observed here simultaneously as the Bangla Language Martyrs' Day and the International Mother Language Day. And in nearly 200 countries of the world, various peoples speaking various languages and belonging to various national cultures will observe 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. They will naturally celebrate their own mother languages, but while doing so, it is more than likely that they will refer to Bangladesh and the Language Movement launched by her people that reached a climactic point on 21st February 1952.

The declaration made by the UNESCO in November 1999 designating 21st February as the International Mother Language Day has placed Bangladesh on the cultural map of the world with a highly positive image. We, people of Bangladesh, should now do all that we can to further develop our mother language Bangla in all branches of knowledge so that it can play a worthy role in the community of world languages. We shall love, cherish and promote Bangla, our own mother language, but we shall not indulged in any kind of chauvinism.

In conclusion, while devotedly serving our own language, we shall respect the languages of all the peoples of the world make 21st February - The International Mother Language Day - a great day, to be observed worldwide in the new century and the millennium that we have recently stepped into. So the history of 21st is a great lesson for everyone. We should respect the mother tongue of everyone in the world.

Long live 21st February the International Mother Language Day!

--Suman Chowdhury

কবিতায় হাতে খড়ি

----চৈতী দেবী

মাঝে মাঝে কবিতা লিখতে ইচ্ছে হয়,

কিন্তু ভয় হয়,যদি ভুল হয় ।

মাঝে মাঝে কবিতা পড়তে ইচ্ছে হয়,

কিন্তু ভয় হয়,যদি ছন্দপতন হয় ।

মাঝে মাঝে কবিতা শোনাতে ইচ্ছে হয়,

কিন্তু ভয় হয়,যদি তিরষ্কার পেতে হয় ।

মাঝে মাঝে কবিতাকে গান বানাতে ইচ্ছে হয়,

কিন্তু ভয় হয়,যদি সুর-তাল না হয় ।

মাঝে মাঝে কবিতায় আত্মকথা জানাতে ইচ্ছে হয়,

কিন্তু ভয় হয়,যদি প্রকাশ পেয়ে যায় ।


Feb 16, 2011

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Essentiality of Secularism


Another observation in my life - " The communist only studies leftist literature and the religious fundamentalist only studies his/her religious literature. Both of them have radical views to build a nation. One fights for religion, another fights for 'so called humanity'. The significant similarities between them are that they bombard each other and come to the power through bloodshed". So it is very difficult to find a versatile character among both the radical groups.

If we look at many countries including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China, few South American and African countries, we come to know that the major religious people have a fundamental group and against them thre is a communist or naxal group. In China, the communist party is in power. But they do not allow any freedom of speech to the masses. They are like another autocratic government of medieval era. In Pakistan, the total system has a hole where all the developments and achievements of the government become vain due to the strong influences of religious fundamentalist. As for example, They are pouring water in a cultivable land, where there is a narrow hole at the isle of the land. In India, Hindu fundamentalist tries to come to the power which will destroy the moto of India. The main moto of India is 'unity in diversity'. But if the fundamentalists come to the power, the country will face big threats by international terrorist group. Hence their development will be hindered. In Bangladesh, Jamaat e Islami and other rightist group tries to come to the power. They already influenced and changed the constitution [by H.M. Ershad] as 'Islam - the country religion'. Okay my question is that if I asked my mother what is your religion? She will obviously tell me 'Hinduism'. Now if I asked her ' what is your religion by county ' she has to answer "Islam". Now a person can not be confined to two different religion if religion does mean certain order of beliefs. That's why, we see lots of problem in the countries which are dominated by religious groups like Nepal, Iran, SriLanka, Tailand and etc.

What if the religious group come to the power, what if the communist group come to the power? It is not right to say frankly that they are bad. But we should learn from the history and state of the art events. One of my Chinese friends told me that he will not go back to China [from USA], because they don't have any right to express their voice. They are shackled by their communist government, same voices I heard from one of my friends from Venezuela. In addition, I asked one of my Iranian friends, what is the main problem in Iran? Why have sometimes people been demonstrating protest against government for last couple of years? He answered our government is very tough. The minority peoples have less rights. He even told me a pathetic example that "The Bhai'i people are not allowed to university, they don't have any government job, because their religious beliefs are not allowed by today's government."

So we need certain beliefs that will allow all the people to live in harmony. There is a well known quotation - 'many men, many minds'. It means that every person has different interests, beliefs, thoughts of power and views. "We can't cast all the people with a single mold". I mean, the diversity of minds created different paths in different location in the Earth. Due to the modern technology, evolving of information technology comes all the people in same global platform. Now each county is just like a global village. Hence Secularism becomes very popular to today's world. Secularism is very synonymous to democracy. Secularism is the approach and democracy is the system. I don't want to describe here what is secularism. Because most of the people know what is it? But for god's sake, I am obliged to mention it here because both the radicals define it very wrongly. Secularism means - "in government, a policy of avoiding entanglement between government and religion (ranging from reducing ties to a state church to promoting secularism in society), of non-discrimination among religions (providing they don't deny primacy of civil laws), and of guaranteeing human rights of all citizens, regardless of the creed (and, if conflicting with certain religous rules, by imposing priority of the universal human rights)".

In final words, a person can not be identified by two religion if his own religion and religion of country is different; History teaches us that communist government is very reluctant to the common people's views, beliefs and voices; so this is secularism that only tells us to guide a nation to live in concord with full kindness to each other's beliefs and voices.